Our Games Library

Our board games library now contains over 60 titles!

Not sure where to start? Check out our games genre page for more information and suggestions.

Looking for something specific? Scroll down for full list of all the titles in our library in alphabetical order if a game you would like to try is not listed please make sure you send a message to our group or discord chat as our members may have the title themselves and may be able to bring it down.

Games not owned by Dice Tavern will be at events at owners discretion.

Name Of Game Genre Play Time Difficulty Players Game ID Owner
Antidote Party 20 - 30 mins 1.62 2 - 7 001 DT
Awesome Kingdom Deck Builder 30 - 45 mins 1.33 2 - 4 002 DT
Aye, Dark Overlord! Card 30 mins 1.29 4 - 16 003 DT
Bonanza Card 5 - 30 mins 1.00 2 - 6 004 DT
Boss Monster 1 Dungeon Crawler 30 mins 1.85 2 - 4 005 DT
Boss Monster 2 Dungeon Crawler 30 mins 1.85 3 - 4 006 DT
Boss Monster 3 + Expansion Dungeon Crawler 30 mins 1.85 4 - 4 007 DT
Business Game (The) Strategy 90 mins 2.08 2 - 6 008 DT
Carcassonne Strategy 30 - 45 mins 1.90 2 - 5 009 DT
Card of the Dead Card 15 mins 1.17 2 - 5 010 DT
Cards Against (G.O.T.) Party 30 mins 1.19 4 - 30 011 DT
Careers Strategy 60 mins 1.49 2 - 6 012 DT
Cluedo Strategy 40 mins 1.46 2 - 6 013 DT
Coup Card 15 mins 1.42 2 - 6 014 DT
Danger Noodle Card 10 - 20 mins 1.25 2 - 20 015 DT
Dead of Winter Survival / Horror 60 - 120 mins 3.36 2 - 5 016 DT
Death Angel Dungeon Crawler 30 - 60 mins 2.42 2 - 6 017 DT
Demigods: Evolution Action / Combat 120 mins 3.75 2 - 4 058 LJ
DnD Adventure Begins Role Play -- 1.37 2 - 4 018 DT
Don't Mess with C'Thulu Card 01 - 30 mins 1.15 4 - 6 019 DT
Dungeon Royal + Expansion Strategy 45 - 90 mins 2.00 2 - 4 020 DT
Dungeon Saga + Expansions Dungeon Crawler 30 - 120 mins 2.47 2 - 5 062 LJ
Epic Card 20 - 40 mins 2.51 2 - 4 021 DT
Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards + Expansions Party 30 mins 1.58 2 - 6 065 LJ
Exploding Kittens Party 15 mins 1.09 2 - 5 022 DT
Fluxx Party 15 mins 1.09 2 - 5 023 DT
Fluxx (Zombie) Party 15 mins 1.09 2 - 5 024 DT
Game of Life Party 60 mins 1.17 2 - 6 025 DT
Game of Nations Strategy 120 mins 2.23 2 - 4 026 DT
Ghostbusters: The Board Game Action / Combat 30 -120 mins 2.24 1 - 4 056 LJ
Ghostbusters: The Board Game 2 Action / Combat 30 -120 mins 2.50 1 - 4 057 LJ
Hanabi Card 25 mins 1.69 2 - 5 053 DT
Infernal Contraption Card 60 mins 1.83 2 - 4 027 DT
Infinity: Defiance + Expansions Dungeon Crawler 45 - 60 mins 3.86 1 - 4 059 LJ
Joking Hazard Party 30 - 90 mins 1.03 3 - 10 028 DT
Jumanji Strategy -- 1.00 2 - 4 029 DT
Legend of the Five Rings Card 45 - 90 mins 4.01 2 051 DT
Love Letter Card 20 mins 1.19 2 - 4 030 DT
Love Letter (Marvel) Card 20 mins 1.19 2 - 4 031 DT
Man Bites Dog Card 10 mins 1.11 2 - 6 032 DT
Mansions of Madness + Expansions (App Required) Survival / Horror 120 - 180 mins 2.67 1 - 5 064 MG
Microdot Strategy 60 mins 1.25 2 - 4 033 DT
Munchkin (Zombie) Card 60 - 120 mins 1.81 3 - 6 034 DT
Ninja Burger Card 60 mins 1.63 3 - 6 035 DT
Othello Strategy 30 mins 2.07 2 036 DT
Pandemic Survival / Horror 45 mins 2.40 2 - 4 037 DT
Pathfinder: Skull + Shackles Card 90 mins 2.92 1 - 4 052 DT
Pixel Glory Card 25 mins 1.89 2 - 4 038 DT
Plague Inc. + Expansion Strategy 60 mins 2.16 1 - 4 039 DT
Random Encounter Card 20 - 120 mins 1.80 1 - 4 040 DT
Risk Strategy 120 mins 2.07 2 - 6 041 DT
Sentinels of the Multiverse + Expansions Card 30 - 60 mins 2.51 2 - 5 060 LJ
Sequence Strategy 10 - 30 mins 1.33 2 - 12 042 DT
Story Dice Dice 30 mins 1.00 2 054 DT
Talisman Dungeon Crawler 240 mins 2.18 2 - 6 043 DT
Temp Worker Assassins Card 40 - 60 mins 2.25 2 - 4 044 DT
The Really Nasty Horse Racing Game Strategy 90 mins 1.67 2 - 6 045 DT
Tiny Epic Dungeons + Expansion Dungeon Crawler 30 - 60 mins 3.02 1 - 4 046 DT
Tiny Epic Zombies Strategy 30 - 45 mins 2.47 1 - 5 061 LJ
Umbrella Academy Card 20 - 40 mins 1.00 1 - 6 047 DT
Vagrant Song Strategy 40 - 120 mins 3.00 2 - 4 048 DT
Vampirology Survival / Horror -- 2.00 3 - 6 049 DT
Warmachine: High Command Strategy 60 mins 2.31 2 - 4 055 DT
Wingspan Strategy 40 - 70 mins 2.45 1 - 5 050 DT
XCOM: The Board Game (App Required) Strategy 60 -120 mins 2.91 1 - 4 063 LJ